We behave with the highest degree of integrity, courtesy, and professionalism in our interactions with each other and our partners.
We are considerate of the values and beliefs of others and deeply believe that interaction with others should be governed by mutual respect.
KTH is built on trust, which we have fostered through respect, honesty, and transparency. Trust remains at the forefront of all our relationships and on which we base our core principles.
As leaders in the investment sector, we strive to set an example and inspire others to make the most of their abilities through Leadership in all our personal and business relationships.

We honour South Africa’s rich and diverse heritage and cultures and are committed to ensuring that equality, opportunity, and transformation runs as a common thread throughout our business.
We recognise the achievements made by our staff, which includes rewarding them for contributing towards the personal and professional development of others.
We value the talents of our staff, and encourage the contribution of individuals, but fundamentally believe that Teamwork produces better results.
Social Responsibility
We embrace our role and social responsibility towards the transformation and sustainable development of our communities, within the greater context of being a global citizen.